Visual Diary + is a Visual Basic application and requires the file VBRUN300.DLL. You probably already have this file on your computer but, if not, you'll need to download it from CompuServe or another bulletin board service. The easiest way to get started is as follows: Create a directory (suggested directory name is VDIARY). Copy all of the files that are unzipped into that directory and (from the file manager), double click on the file VDIARY.EXE. If it runs, that's all you have to do. You can create a program icon as follows: From the program manager, click on FILE then NEW, then PROGRAM item, then OK. Description : Visual Diary + Command Line: C:\VDIARY\VDIARY.EXE Working Dir : C:\VDIARY Click OK and you're done. This assumes you are using C:\VDIARY as your directory. Change above accordingly is this assumption is incorrect. You can move the files that end with .VBX and .DLL into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory if you wish. If you do so, make sure that you are not overwriting a file with the same name with a more recent date stamp.